Make Employee learning easy with Seturon LMS
Available in 23 languages
Train your employees faster and achieve better results with personalized learning paths, AI-driven insights, and seamless access on any device.
Seturon reduces learning time by 30%
And significantly increases employee and worker performance
Why Seturon is better than other LMS Platforms
AI-driven content creation
Effortlessly create digital avatars, generate tests, and validate content with our advanced AI tools.
Expert educational team
Collaborate with our educational experts to develop high-quality training content, even if you don't have a course ready
Multi-device compatibility
Access on both mobile and desktop devices. Anywhere, anytime, even without computers
User-friendly interface
Navigate our platform with ease, designed for simplicity and efficiency, making training accessible for everyone
24/7 human support
Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any queries or issues
For every team and any scenario
Provide a top-notch training experience for all your teams, whether they're employees, customers, or partners. Seturon ensures excellence in every training situation
User training
Workforce training
Onboarding training
Sales training
Download an example of how an LMS can help your company
Use cases
Use Seturon to pass your team updates in the compliance policy
Create courses to onboard new employees and give them comprehensive knowledge base
Give your partners and clients essential trainings without spending time on repeating the same info over and over
Step 1
Employees know policies poorly and cause financial losses
Step 2
Employees complete your compliance policy course on our platform
Step 3
Employees know and follow policies avoiding financial losses
Step 1
All the onboarding materials are scattered across different systems
Step 2
We create a comprehensive list of knowledge new employee should learn and have access to
Step 3
Employees adapt faster, become effective sooner, and always have one place to refresh their knowledge
Step 1
Clients don't know all the features of your product and undervalue it
Step 2
Collect full list of your product's features and make a memorable course for your clients
Step 3
Clients know your product's capabilities, leading to increased attachment and longer retention
We're here to support you
Need assistance? Our dedicated experts are with you at every step, helping you reach your training goals and ensuring your success